Easter Postcards

Author: Ruth Preston
The coronavirus pandemic has caused significant disruption to our everyday lives. According to Age UK, loneliness affects well over one million people over the age of 65 in normal life, but the pandemic has caused this statistic to drastically double.
Older people are spending more time alone than ever before and this can detrimentally impact health, wellbeing and emotional resilience.
For many older people, regular routines have been put into disarray as social activities and meetings with friends have been unable to proceed, exacerbating the adverse effects of loneliness.
We all know how important community is. If the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted anything, it’s how much we need each other. People need to know they are cared for, remembered, and loved.
“So, we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.” – 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
At Faith in Later Life, we are doing everything we can (with the help of people just like you!) to reach the lonely and isolated. We are committed to seeing older people flourish in their faith, friendships, and communities. We think that as a people, we have a responsibility to reach out, to love, and to empower older people in their day-to-day lives.
There has never been a more important time to rally around those who need it most, offering help and support where we can to those who are struggling with loneliness and isolation during this time.
Communication is key, as many older people have been unable to attend their social groups or have visitors to their homes. Often, something as simple as a phone call or a handwritten note can make all the difference to those in social isolation.
How can you reach out? Who could you contact to encourage today?
We are excited to announce that we are selling Easter postcards! And if you are a Church Champion, you can receive a number for free!
Why not write Easter postcards to those on your street, in your church, at your local care home, or from your social club and let them know they are not forgotten? For information on how to order please click here.
We were delighted that over 2,000 Christmas postcards were sent to older people in December, and we had some excellent responses from many who were involved:
“The postcard initiative is excellent to send Christmas cards to all of our elderly.”
“I received two cards myself from Faith in Later Life: I appreciated not being forgotten at Christmas.”
“Thanks to faith in later life for supporting elderly people both physically and spiritually especially during this period of shielding and lockdown which has been so hard for so many of our elderly family, friends and neighbours.”
“I loved the Christmas postcards and they encouraged me to send round more to my older contacts this Christmas and try to do that on a more regular basis.”
“The Christmas postcards were an excellent idea and were well received by those to whom I sent them. I am pleased you have plans to produce others throughout the year. You are excellent at engendering enthusiasm for which I am grateful.”
This Easter, we are hoping to write postcards to as many individuals as we can. And we hope you will join us! Click here for more info.