Key Dates
Same Roots: Fresh Shoots
We’re excited to unveil our refreshed logo at Faith in Later Life, designed to better reflect our vision and enduring faith in later life. Replanting for Fruitfulness Just like replanting…
Is your Church faith in later life friendly?
Our population is ageing fast. That means more older people in our churches and communities – what a wonderful opportunity for the gospel, and to demonstrate God’s unfailing love! Helping…
Church Champion Book Review: Abide by Warren W. Wiersbe
As we explore what it means to engage in discipleship that will sustain us both now and in later life, Church Champion Jean shares a few thoughts about the book…
Ending Well as a Single Christian
Single Friendly Church Network is a charity which encourages churches to welcome and value single people at every stage of life. This includes those who have never married, people who…
Past Event: Discipleship that Sustains with David Price
David is a vicar on the south coast at St John’s Church in Poole, and has been in pastoral ministry for 27 years. When he moved to Dorset in 2012,…
All-age or No-age?
Summer can be a strange season in church. Key volunteers and even the minister may have time away. Some families with school-aged children may head off on holiday. Children’s groups…
What’s so scary about moving into a care home?
Supporting someone in their move to a care home can be an emotionally challenging time. In her latest blog for Faith in Later Life, Helen Nathan at Pilgrims’ Friend Society…
Advice on living a resilient life
There’s a question that older people ask me from time to time – it’s whether I can recommend them a book about ‘lifelong faith.’ What do they mean by this?…
We’re not all going on a Summer Holiday
Cliff Richard’s sixties hit ‘We’re all going on a summer holiday’ describes a summer break away from it all; having fun, laughing, free of worries, doing things we’ve always wanted…