12th September 2024 – Discipleship that Sustains with David Price

David is a vicar on the south coast (in Poole, Dorset) and has been in pastoral ministry for 27 years. When he moved to Dorset in 2012, he saw with his eyes what he previously knew in his head, that ageing is a significant issue for Christians. In his work, David sometimes gets to know inspiring examples of older Christians who reflect Jesus to those around them amid the challenges of ageing, drawing nourishment from decisions/habits/rhythms/character formed earlier in life.

Before getting ordained, David worked in the overseas aid business in various countries around the developing world. A continuous thread in his life has been helping things which are ‘not yet’ to become things that ‘are’. David is married to Becky and they have two adult children.

Our Church Champion Event

On September 12th, we’re delighted to have David Price come to talk with our Church Champions about Discipleship that sustains.

What the event is about:
The way Christian discipleship sustains us always
How later fruitfulness links to earlier decisions
How can people ‘invest’ now so as to bear fruit later

Who it’s for:
People of any age who want to be fruitful disciples of Jesus in older age
People who are already ageing as Christians and those who work with them

Register your free online place:

Afternoon Session: 1.30pm

Evening Session 7.30pm

Register Here for either of the above sessions

We will send you a Zoom link for the event before or early on September 12th.