Our Mission

“They will flourish... and bear fruit in old age.” (Psalm 92:13-14)

“Faith in Later Life is a charity dedicated to inspiring and equipping Christians to reach, serve and empower older people everywhere, through the local church.”

 — Faith in Later Life's Mission Statement


We subscribe to the Evangelical Alliance Basis of Faith.

Faith in Later Life equips a national community of many hundreds of Church Champions for older people who share our mission. We encourage and equip them and others in their churches and communities. This means we influence and impact at a local level, seeing older Christians empowered, and older people in the wider community reached and engaged- with the love of Jesus.

We provide leadership and are a Christian voice for older people through the media and events.

Through our website we provide a central hub of resources to help guide, enable and encourage Christians, older or otherwise, in many different aspects of later life. These resources are gathered from a variety of Christian organisations who we signpost too, but by bringing these resources into one place we aim to make it easier for people to access Christian materials relating to older people.

We also commission projects and resources, where there is a gap, so that we can equip Christians and churches to effectively reach, serve and empower older people everywhere.

There are 11.9 million older people in the UK, and older people make up a significant proportion of church congregations . And we know that over 5 million older people in the UK say television is their main company and that 1 million older people say they are always or often lonely.

These facts and figures present challenges for Society but also huge opportunity. Church was created to be intergenerational, and the Bible speaks of the wisdom of older Christians, and their purpose, and tells us that God will continue to carry and sustain them in older age.

See here for our people, sponsors and partners.

We are a member of The Evangelical Alliance, a Body in Association of Churches Together in England, and Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, an associate member of Affinity, and a partner of the Church Urban Fund.