Past Event: Music & Dementia with Fi Costa


In May 2024 we welcomed Dr Fiona Costa to lead our Church Champion event on the subject of Music and Dementia, during which she inspired us to use music with the people we visit and spend time with.

A few words from Fi about what inspired the event:

“Almost everyone enjoys music. It is one activity that older people, even those with severe symptoms of dementia, can join in with. They may be able to sing or hum or even play a simple instrument. With so many things that they cannot do, being able to remember the words of a favourite song or hymn gives them a real boost of confidence.

My colleague, Professor Adam Ockelford and I have been carrying out various projects in care homes for several years. During Covid, when care homes were closed and our research projects had to be disbanded, we decided to put together some materials that anyone caring for older people could use, irrespective of their musical ability. We came up with the title, Take Note: 100 Everyday Musical Ideas for Carers to Use with Older People. These are due to be published by Routledge in July. We hope that they will be useful for carers, whether in care homes or in private homes. Some of them are suitable for groups, others for one-to-ones.

You can now catch up with the session below: