May Newsletter

Author: Ruth Preston

Reaching, serving and empowering older people


Welcome to this May Faith in Later Life newsletter where we will be sharing updates and news, signposting to new resources, and highlighting opportunities for you to get involved with.



“I feel like I have so much to learn but the resources on the Faith in Later Life website are giving me a great starting point and foundation to build on.”
Church Champion


Resource of the month

Hope in the Face of Suffering



Since being diagnosed with incurable cancer, Jeremy Marshall has been known for his ability to connect the difficulties that Christians face in this life with the deep-seated joy that is found in knowing the Lord Jesus.

Hope in the Face of Suffering, his first devotional, offers twenty inspirational messages for tough times. Jeremy helps readers apply the principles he has learned through his own experience of dealing with terminal cancer. He holds out the message of hope in the Bible — the medicine cabinet where we can find treatment for our suffering — and meditates on God’s promises, which are like a rock upon which we can stand secure.


May news


This month many of us benefited from rich Bible teaching and encouragement, during the online ‘Faith in the Second Half’ conference, and I want to thank the speakers for giving their time and sharing their insights. The talks will be available on the Keswick website in due course. It is a blessing to be able to partner with Keswick Ministries in this work, and I am delighted to be able to announce that we are planning another similar conference next year, from the 10th to 12th May 2022. Do put a placeholder in your diary!


It was also good this month to open up our monthly Church Champion Zoom session to guests, and we held an afternoon and evening session where Church Champions and guests alike heard about our mission, with Faith in Later Life Ambassador Professor Keith Brown sharing about the resources he has produced, as well as Church Champion and befriending practitioner Debs Fidler sharing her expertise and encouragements.  Do you know someone (maybe you?) who might want to join our Church Champion community? For more information do visit our website.


Having recently conducted my first ‘in person’ church visit, requests are starting to come in, and as well as considering in person visits, next month I am doing an online slot in a church service, as well as pre-recording a video message. I am also speaking (via webinar) to FIEC church leaders in June. Would you like to hear about Faith in Later Life in your church? If so, do get in touch.


Thank you so much for your prayers as well as your financial support, both of which are vital. The latter is enabling us to invest in growing our Church Champion community and associated resources, as we seek to inspire and equip Christians in their Kingdom impact in local communities across the UK. Can I ask that you prayerfully consider whether you could commit to giving to enable our ministry to continue? If you were able to give regularly (every pound makes a difference) to the work of Faith in Later Life, or even a one-off donation, that would be hugely appreciated and would help us with our planning. You can give by contacting us directly and we can provide our bank details, or by setting up giving via our website. If you would like a conversation about this, I would be delighted to speak with you.


Thank you to those of you who responded last month and set up regular giving, or gave a one-off gift, we are hugely grateful for your partnership in our gospel ministry.


Everything we do is underpinned by prayer, so we thank you for your continued prayers for our ministry. Please can you pray along the lines below:


  • Thank God for the ‘Faith in the Second Half’ conference and the encouragement that it was to those attending.
  • For financial provision for our work in 2021.
  • That our Church Champion community would continue to grow, for God’s glory.


Yours in Christ,

CEO, Faith in Later Life