Hymns We Love

Hymns We Love

Author: Faith in Later Life

Discipleship is an essential aspect of Christian life, and it’s important that people of all ages have access to resources that help them grow in their faith. We are delighted to see that churches and publishers are now recognising the importance of creating discipleship resources that are specifically designed for older adults. One such resource that stands out is Hymns We Love, a unique and powerful tool that helps seniors connect with God’s love and truth in an accessible way.

The Hymns We Love series is written by Pippa and Steve Cramer and uses well-loved hymns to share the gospel and key truths about God’s character. Many older adults grew up singing these hymns and reigniting those memories is an ideal way to engage with seniors and help them understand the Christian message. The resource contains five video sessions that tell the story of each hymn, how it came to be, and the Christian message behind it. In each session, Hymns We Love brings to life the core truths of the Christian story in a way that is gentle, warm, and clear.

The videos feature beautiful renditions of the hymns, filmed in a historic English village church. They also include testimonies and prayers, creating a rich and meaningful experience for participants. This series not only shares the gospel with older adults, but it also creates a space for them to reflect on their faith and connect with other seniors in their community. These sessions provide an excellent opportunity to invite seniors who are new to the Christian faith to explore the gospel message through the lens of beloved hymns.

The Leader’s Guide provides all the tools necessary to facilitate this enjoyable and effective evangelistic and discipleship course for older adults in your community. Whether you are a church leader or a member of the community, this resource is an excellent way to connect with seniors and share the joy of faith with them.

You can order Hymns We Love now by heading to this link at The Good Book Company:
