How you’ve been using the website
Over the past three months, the most accessed resources on the Resource Hub on the Faith in Later Life website were:
Senior Alpha Course – Leaders’ Training Manual
- Handbook for Worship (Evening Star Project)
- Evangelism Among Seniors
- Community: God’s Design for Growth
- How to Lead Worship in a Care Home
- Pilgrim’s Progress Interactive Study Guide
- Evangelism for Older People – Training Course
Evangelism and Church Resources
This very strong interest in evangelism and worship resources and ideas shows very clearly the significant interest amongst website users for helpful resources to reach out to older people in the community. This information is also very useful as we develop the website to give you the resources you are asking for.
Following ‘Evangelism’ and ‘Church & Worship’, the next group of subjects which are more in demand are ‘Bible Insights’, and ‘Faith in Action’.
Bible Insights (
We know the website has been useful to people seeking bible answers to both their work and how the teachings should affect our attitude towards older people. If you are interested in the latter, the video on the website is well worth watching (go to the webpage above).
More excitingly, the study which Faith in Later Life has commissioned London Seminary to do into the theology of Old Age is progressing ahead of schedule and has been sent to the Peer Review Panel. A good number of you have also registered to be kept up to date on that work and the next stage of this work will involve you – within the next few weeks!
Faith in Action (
The most viewed pages on the Faith in Later Life website are those associated in the Faith in Action (Directory: section. Other activities/services are being added and it is very encouraging to see the interest being shown through the website to develop and launch new initiatives to work with and for those in later life.
And a ‘quick reminder’ of the Top Tip
In amongst all the policies, procedures and practical considerations involved, it is only too easy to lose focus on the people who come to your event. So, the ‘top tip’ is “design your activity to be “intentionally relational”. The best activities are those that encourage a sense of community which leads to those who come becoming friends who build and maintain their own independent contact. And an ‘intentionally relational community’ will facilitate ‘intentionally relational evangelism’.
New roles
Finally, news of new roles at Faith in Later Life. Carl Knightly has been appointed as Director of Faith in Later Life. Carl is an experienced Communications and Engagement professional and brings a great deal of passion, skill and experience to Faith in Later Life for its next stages and developments. Phil Martin of Keychange has agreed to Chair the Board comprising representatives of the five sponsoring charities.
Spread the word! Please forward this FiLL NEWS to anyone you think would find it useful. (A copy of each FiLL NEWS is available on the website (
You can help us by:
- Letting us know of any resources we should consider adding to the website (
- Letting us know of any activities / services we should consider adding to the website (
- Rate the Resources there is the facility to add a review to every resource. Please do use this to help others as they search for the resource they need.