Are you a champion for older people in your church?

Are you someone who cares about people having faith in later life? Perhaps you lead your church's Luncheon Club, Knitting Group, Care Home Services, or Sunday Lift Rota.
Whatever your particular activities are, if you have a heart for older people and are involved in serving, reaching, and empowering those in later life in your church or community then we'd love to support you in the following ways:
A network of people in a similar role
By joining our network of Church Champions for faith in later life you will be part of a community where we can learn from each other. You don’t have to be a church leader (most aren't).
We usually meet online every other month to share ideas and pray for one another in our ministry among older people.
In the interim times we support one another via our active WhatsApp and Facebook groups for Church Champions, and we're available to respond to email or phone queries from anyone looking for ideas, encouragement or prayer.
Later Life Expertise and Reflections
Church Champions benefit by receiving updates on developments in Christian ministry with older people.
In our most recent Church Champion survey, existing Church Champions told us that the areas which concern or interest them the most are around dementia, loneliness, gospel sharing and bereavement. We therefore invite experts in these fields to write blogs, record videos, or lead webinars on these and many other helpful subjects.
We also share blogs and videos from our team, our associates and from other Church Champions, to encourage and inspire us in our ministry.
Training and Resourcing
We offer training and development to expand our awareness and understanding of certain later life topics to support Church Champions in their ministry. These are in the form of webinars which are usually recorded for those unable to attend them live.
Our Resource Hub supports Church Champions in their role to older people with a huge number of curated resources we think you'll find helpful.
We know that people leading and serving in ministries among older people vary greatly in experience and in the time they have available to engage with what we offer. Church Champions therefore choose their level of involvement – some use our materials to shape and improve what they are already doing; others find our networking is what matters in helping them keep going; others are inspired to try something new; and others still mix and match over time.
It's up to you - we're here to support you as you respond to God's call to help people to have faith in later life!
It's free
Everything we provide is free of charge.
Church Champions and the churches in which they serve are welcome to make regular or one off donations to help us develop our work. We're always delighted and grateful to receive these and your prayers, but both are entirely voluntary.
Find out more
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at [email protected].
To hear from one of our Church Champions, watch this video:
Sign up to be a Church Champion
To receive free support to champion older people in your church or community, please complete the form below.