Safeguarding Adults Guidance

This excellent guidance has been developed and produced by The National Centre for Post Qualifying Social Work and Professional Practice- in partnership with the Christian organisation Jubilee Plus, and with the endorsement of Faith in Later Life. The NCPQSW is led by Professor Keith Brown, the leading expert in his field, and who is an evangelical Christian. This report offers a comprehensive set of advice and guidance in the area of safeguarding for those working within a faith-based context.
The National Centre for Post Qualifying Social Work and Professional Practice at Bournemouth University has a proud history of working at the forefront of complex social issues within our society. They work with a number of governmental departments and bodies and have previously developed and published The National Competency Framework for Safeguarding Adults, The National Mental Capacity Act Competency Framework and The National Mental Capacity Forum Advice on Next of Kin: Understanding decision making authorities, amongst other advice.
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Posted in the following categories: Faith in Action, Guidance