Loneliness in Older People – Guidance

Written for Faith in Later Life by Professor Keith Brown and Karen Grimshaw, and endorsed by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Longevity, this guidance resource expertly sets the context of loneliness amongst older people (in the UK) as well as the work that Christian organisations are involved in in this area, and shares helpful ideas and tools to enable groups and individuals in engaging with loneliness in a variety of contexts. Church communities and Christian organisations have been and remain at the forefront of civil society efforts to raise awareness of the debilitating impact of loneliness and well as creating communities and relationships that go some way to tackling loneliness, and this guidance shares information about a variety of Christian organisations involved with addressing loneliness – as well as reminding us of the inherent value of older people. Printed copies of the book are available from CPO here, free but with a charge for postage, packing and processing. This resource is free to download.
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Posted in the following categories: Caring, Guidance, Loneliness, Love My Neighbour