Finishing Well: A God’s eye view of ageing

What is God’s view of ageing? The Bible has much to say, and many stories to tell, about those who did great things, those who did ordinary things well, those who prayed, those who used their gifts, those who suffered, those who went right to the end – and those who, in later years, got it absolutely wrong.
How are we going to face the prospect of ageing? Will we subside, give up? Or shall we view retirement as a gift from God, an opportunity to reach out to others? Our older years are full of possibilities, not least of which is that of helping others find Christ.
This excellent book by Revd Ian Knox is enjoyable, challenging and encouraging, and well worth reading.
This resource is available to borrow from Torch Trust in accessible format by people who are visually impaired: or you can purchase it in standard format from SPCK Publishing…
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Posted in the following categories: Ageing Well, Bible, Death and Dying, Faith in Action