Wellbeing among Older People with Ruth Rice
13 November

Later life is often accompanied by new physical, social, and emotional challenges, these changes along with changes in cognition can have a tremendous impact on a person’s wellbeing. Churches and christian communities can play a positive role in helping older people to enjoy purpose and good wellbeing in later life and at this online event we hope to inpsire and equip you to magnify your seniors ministry impact in this area.
Ruth Rice is the founder and CEO of Renew Wellbeing, which helps churches open spaces of welcome and inclusion for adults, in partnership with mental health teams to improve mental and emotional wellbeing. Ruth has a background in teaching and Baptist Church ministry and is passionate about seeing churches turn themselves and their great habits of welcome, care and prayer inside out to reduce isolation and increase wellbeing in every community. We cannot wait to learn from her!
You can join us at either 1:30pm or at 7:30pm on Thursday 13th November for this event.
Register here for FREE for either of the above sessions.