Gospel Ministry in the Midst of Dementia with Ben Boland
8 May

Dementia can profoundly affect individuals and their families, raising challenging questions about faith, memory, and identity. How can we minister with those experiencing cognitive decline while affirming their worth and dignity? Join us on Thursday 8th May at either 1:30pm or 7:30pm when Ben Boland, an older persons’ chaplain and visiting lecturer at Brisbane School of Theology and Mary Andrews College in Australia, shares the reason for gospel ministry with people with dementia and practical ways to prepare to do so.
About Ben
Rev Ben Boland is a visiting lecturer at Brisbane School of Theology and Mary Andrews College in Australia. He has served as an older persons’ chaplain for more than 15 years, and is passionate about gospel ministry with older people and people living with dementia. His new book, Priceless People: Loving older people and people living with dementia (Christian Focus) will be released in mid-2025.
Register your free online place:
Afternoon Session: 1.30pm
Evening Session 7.30pm
Register here for either of the above sessions
Zoom link to join is located in the confirmation email after you register.