
Old man sitting on bench

Navigating through a Covid Christmas

By Alex Drew | 17/11/2020

  Did you know that 5,800,000 older people say that the television or their pet is their main form of company? 5.8 million people. And that was before the devastating…

Sunset over mountains

Advance Care Planning and End of Life Care

By Ruth Preston | 13/11/2020

People in the fourth age (those over 80) may need support and encouragement to look forward and consider future decisions regarding their health, care, and potential or likely treatments. Whether…

Older people in church

Older people are the archives of the church

By Ruth Preston | 23/10/2020

Singing hymns to God in our church   We recently had the absolute pleasure of speaking with Reverend Tom from Kenya. Reverend Tom has been diligently serving the older people…

Bible study

Spirituality and the over 80s

By Ruth Preston | 12/10/2020

For many older people, faith and religion are important aspects of their spirituality – allowing the person to hold onto real meaning in their life, have confidence in their personhood,…

Person holding the Bible

Spiritual Care at End of Life

By Ruth Preston | 01/10/2020

Spirituality and religion are not synonymous with each other. Whilst religious aspects of a person’s life will usually involve and affect their spirituality, there are many people whose spirituality has…

Old people holding hands

Ten Simple Ways Churches Can Support People Living with Dementia and Their Families

By Faith in Later Life | 17/09/2020

For most people, living with Dementia can have a huge emotional, psychological, and practical impact on a person. Many people living with the condition feel a sense of loss regarding…

With Society ‘open for business’ again, we must not forget our older people

By Alex Drew | 16/09/2020

  As a national UK lockdown eases, some people are returning to work and many church buildings are either open again, or making tentative plans to reopen; and even those…

Intergenerational Living: A Story of Encouragement

By Ruth Preston | 07/09/2020

  For hundreds of years, families have taken care of their ageing loved ones, with most families housing children, parents, and grandparents all under one roof. Today, we are seeing…

God Works Spirit to Spirit

By Ruth Preston | 31/08/2020

  We recently had the privilege of speaking with Mavis, a wonderful woman of Christ who is humbly obedient to the call of the Lord, and one of our Church…

Hidden treasures of ‘lockdown’.

By Alex Drew | 24/08/2020

    “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures: He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He…