
Does My Church Value Older People?

By Ruth Preston | 12/02/2021

In 2019, almost one in five of the UK population (18%) were aged over 65. This is likely to increase over the next 40 years to one in four. The…

Old man and grandaughter

Care Home Placements: Advice for Individuals and Churches

By Ruth Preston | 08/02/2021

With the average age of church members increasing in most churches and the numbers of those in the fourth age rising, the likelihood of members needing to find an appropriate…


Stories of Encouragement Shared by Mavis 

By Ruth Preston | 18/01/2021

Mavis recently got in touch with us to share some more stories of encouragement. We are always so moved by the stories Mavis has to share and never cease to…

Care and Compassion in the Church

By Ruth Preston | 08/01/2021

We recently had the pleasure of speaking with Keith Mcintosh, a Church Champion from St Andrews Church in Leyland, Lancashire. Keith shared with us how he is using his passion…

What hotel quarantine taught me about my faith

By Alex Drew | 23/12/2020

Ben Boland is an aged care chaplain and author based in Australia and is a Faith in Later Life Church Champion. He recently spent time working in an aged care…

Social Work Leader appointed as first Ambassador

By Alex Drew | 21/12/2020

Press Release from Faith in Later Life: Social Work Leader appointed as first Ambassador  Faith in Later Life are delighted to announce that the founding Director of the National Centre for Post Qualifying Social…

Stories of Spiritual Renewal, Reconciliation, and Healing

By Ruth Preston | 18/12/2020

Wendy Dodson, one of our Church Champions, recently sent an email to us sharing an interview she did for BBC Three Counties Radio. During the interview, Wendy shared about her…

You are Not Forgotten | Hope is Not Lost

By Ruth Preston | 11/12/2020

Over 65s are said to fear loneliness more than COVID-19 this Christmas after a difficult year of self-isolating, shielding, and being physically cut off from their loved ones.   According…

With God, it is never too late

By Ruth Preston | 04/12/2020

Faith in Later Life Church Champion Mavis has shared with us before about her ministry with older people (you can read more here). But Mavis had so many wonderful stories…

Sharing outside our Christmas Bubbles to encourage the most vulnerable

By Alex Drew | 02/12/2020

When my granddaughter came home for the weekend from university with masses of laundry, we expected her to return, all washed and ironed, on Monday.  Instead, she said she had…