Interview on Revelation TV
Recently our CEO Carl Knightly spoke with Nikki Mills on Christian television channel Revelation TV. Carl was sharing about the work of ‘Faith in Later Life’ as well as the…
What God is doing for older people through church champions
We recently asked some of our Church Champions what they have seen God doing during lockdown and to share stories. Here is some of what they shared: “Many non-Christians who…
The story behind ‘Hymns We Love’
One of the popular options on the free 24-hour Daily Hope Prayer Line is ‘Hymns We Love’. This started in a local church. Here’s the story: One of the largest…
What will the new normal look like, and what can we do now to prepare?
What will the new normal look like, and what can we do now to prepare? Ten things to consider for churches ministering to older people. A quick look at our…
How churches are marking VE Day
The big gatherings may have been postponed but churches are still finding ways to mark the 75th anniversary of VE day on the bank holiday weekend of 8th May. For…
For those not able to attend a funeral
Funerals during Covid-19 with social distancing and new regulations are especially painful for those who are grieving or not able to attend. Here are some resources for Christians who are…
Captain Tom and care homes: How do we really view older people?
It is not often that the elderly make headline news. Yesterday they did, but for two very different reasons. Described as an inspiration by many, Captain Tom Moore from Keighley,…
Six ways to reach out in Easter lockdown
As Christians we are Easter people. We live in the light of the resurrection of Christ. This is true whether we are old or young, whether suffering from coronavirus or…
Old Easter
**Written before coronavirus enforced church closures** Easter is a time to remember, rejoice and proclaim to all, that Christ is risen. Churches swell with irregular attendees both young and old.…