“A key element of PFS strategy is to be ready to support Churches and Christians in their caring, pastoral support and outreach work with older people in the community. We are therefore delighted to support Faith in Later Life as it seeks to inspire and equip people and churches in seniors’ ministry.”
Stephen Hammersley
Chief Executive, Pilgrims' Friend Society
"Although those in later life may be called the ‘silver generation’ or ‘golden-agers’ they are woefully undervalued by both society and the church. So I’m delighted to endorse Faith in Later Life to encourage and equip those in this season of life, that their worth might be both realised and released."
Reverend Canon J. John
Evangelist, minister, speaker, broadcaster and writer
“London City Mission works on the front line, taking the message of Jesus to London’s least reached – and that includes older people. I am delighted that Faith in Later Life will be commissioning resources to help us and others in the calling.”
Terry Puttick
Field Director of Ministries, London City Mission
“Starting, growing and resourcing work amongst seniors is a pressing need for the church in the UK. This focused initiative is an essential tool in our desire to see faith flourish amongst a much neglected segment of our population.”
Adrian Reynolds
Training Director, Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
"What a huge gap is filled by Faith in Later Life! Not only for us ‘oldies’, but for all who care about us, its enthusiasm, expertise and help are the best. Great guidance and a sense of God’s love: I’m a fan!"
Canon Ian Knox
Evangelist, Author, Faith in Later Life Ambassador
“I am so behind the ministry of Faith in Later Life. The work they do with elders is so important and of such significance to the Kingdom. Do get behind them if you possibly can.”
Gavin Calver
Chief Executive, Evangelical Alliance UK
“There is a great need for information that is based on solid Bible teaching and is proven in practice. I applaud Faith in Later Life for being prepared to commission work of this kind where there are gaps, and to make what already exists more accessible.”
Roger Hitchings
Pastor and Conference Speaker
“We are approached by many churches excited to hear about our work, some of whom have struggled to find us. “Faith in Later Life” will play a vital role in helping churches to connect with charities like ours that have developed a model of social action which could be a real asset to their ministry.”
Jeremy Sharpe
National Director, Linking Lives
“Parish Nursing Ministries UK knows the impact that Churches can have through our model of caring for people of all ages. We are excited about the potential of Faith in Later Life to increase the visibility of what Christian charities like ours can do with older people in partnership with local churches.”