Same Roots: Fresh Shoots

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Author: Alex Drew

We’re excited to unveil our refreshed logo at Faith in Later Life, designed to better reflect our vision and enduring faith in later life.

Replanting for Fruitfulness

Just like replanting orchards to ensure future harvests, we’ve refreshed our original Faith in Later Life tree, which has served us well since 2017, to reflect the next phase of our mission. As we continue to stand out in a sector often led by secular organisations, this update allows us to be more explicitly faith-centred.

Same Roots

While our look may be new, our roots remain strong. We continue offering the same expertise and support to churches and church communities, equipping them to minister among older people to share God’s love and lifelong purpose. Click here to become a Church Champion or to sign up for our monthly newsletter. Our core Bible verse is still Psalm 92:12-14, reminding us that the righteous will flourish, bearing fruit even in old age, and we’ve kept our fresh green colour palette to reinforce this encouraging message from God.

Fresh Shoots

At the heart of our work is the belief that a relationship with Jesus Christ is key to flourishing in later life. Churches meanwhile, are are well placed and biblically motivated to welcome older people, to give them friendship, purpose and an opportunity to explore faith, and so our refreshed logo now includes an ‘F’ symbolizing Faith, which also forms the tree trunk and subtly shapes a cross—emphasizing that faith is central to who we are.

Have you counted how many leaves our new tree has? 12 is an important number in the Bible, reminding us to ground this lifegiving work in the word of God.

We Need Your Help

Please update our logo on your website and share the new version, which you can download here: Logo Package.

And if we’re not yet featured on your site, we’d love for you to add us! Here’s our website link:

“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green…”

Psalm 92: 12-14