Encouragement from One of Our Church Champions

Author: Faith in Later Life
We recently received a wonderful email from one of our Church Champions about her work in her local church, and about how encouraging she found the last Church Champion Session, which was all about using the Bible in evangelism. We were so encouraged that we asked whether she’d be happy for us to share her words with all of you too.
Grace and Peace,
Adsum Try Ravenhill
Church Champion Lead
Full Text: I came into a new role last Easter at my home church, which involves visiting members who are elderly and housebound to help them continue to grow in their faith & service for the Lord—we call them our prayer warriors—as well as a new monthly visit to our local care home to lead a service.
From the start I found the Faith in Later Life website helpful with ideas of how to relate to, engage with, and encourage Older People. I’ve been raiding these resources again recently for our services! More than this though, I’m continuing to seek the Lord’s help, especially through the Bible.
I was encouraged to see a greater focus on the Bible in the last Church Champion session, which was on Using the Bible in Evangelism. Terry clearly emphasised that the power of the bible continues to challenge us and those whom we serve, and it was an incredible reminder—the joy of sharing God’s word & praying with folks is a huge privilege. I am blessed by how keen these folks—who themselves are in such challenging circumstances—are to continue to seek the Lord & run the race well.
God bless.