Church Champions: Training

October Training Session: Truth Be Told and Intergenerational activity in church




Truth Be Told is a charity which takes young children and their parents either into care homes, or church buildings for older adults in the community. They run sessions for young children, their parents and older people, with fun activities, sharing stories, play games, and telling gospel stories with a different truth each session.

Churches can partner with Truth Be Told to receive training and resources to run these sessions themselves.

Many ways of doing intergenerational work – key aspects to consider are:

  • confelicity; taking pleasure in someone else’s pleasure.
  • generativity; handing down stories, creating a legacy.
  • interdependence; everyone is a beneficiary.


Gemma Gillard, CEO of Truth Be Told

Applications / Takeaways

  • Get in touch with Truth Be Told if you are interested in setting up a group that brings together little children and their parents, and older people.
  • The church is God’s display of family, and so in everything that you do in the church, consider how all generations can come together and enjoy it.

You can email Gemma at [email protected].