Abide: Understanding the secrets of living for Jesus

Do you know the secret of living? In order to bear fruit, we must abide in Christ . . .
What is the secret of abiding? It is obeying; give God your will.
What is the secret of obeying? It is loving; give God your heart.
What is the secret of loving? It is knowing; give God your mind.
Christ gave His disciples complete instructions for living the abundant life. And He speaks to us today through His Word, saying: ‘This life can be yours as well!’
The book by Warren W Wiersbe is based on John 15: 1-17 where Jesus starts by saying “I am the vine and my Father is the gardener”. It is for those who have walked the Christian journey for many years – giving reminders of what it means to Abide in Christ and to those who are seeking to show what it is to Abide in Christ.
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